What I Will Not Miss

The lack of hot water in my flat.

I went to the gym earlier this afternoon and returned about an hour before my class planning on showering and changing before heading off to the last lecture of Science & Society, a class which I will sincerely MISS) but alas, there is no hot water. So I go press our "boost button" This button which is supposed to heat the water either within or after a half hour. It very rarely works. I am sick of cold showers. Not just a little cold. FREEZING cold. UNPLEASANT.

But, let's be honest. A pretty minor complaint. I leave Edinburgh on the 19th. I'll be heading to a town named Pontefract in Yorkshire where my lovely flatmate Frankie lives. With her I'll visit to Liverpool and York and then head on my own to Bath and Stonehenge. I'll finish my mini-UK tour in London once again and take the train to Paris to meet the family.

Hah. Classes are finishing up this week, it's crazy. Had the my last Databases lecture today also. I'm going to Berlin this weekend with Monica and then meeting up with Fatti & her sister. I can't WAIT!


  1. Unknown said...

    well isn't someone just a crazy blogger

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