If all else fails, plan ahead

So it's becoming more and more real that the semester is almost over. In order to remedy the unpleasant thoughts that come with the fact that Fatti and me will not be residents of Darroch 3/3 next semester, my two favorite Scottish girls, Jill & Yvonne have begun to plan their trip to America. Along with this comes them screaming and shouting about all things they think are American and being able to DO IT ALL. This was perhaps the funniest thing I have seen and heard. It's mostly funny because they weren't completely far off, and yet they were still so completely excited.

They want to go to diners at 3am, drink Mountain Dew until they turn green, go to the 'mooovies' (as opposed to the cinema) and eat popcorn, see the Statue of Liberty, have American money (I gave Yvonne a dollar, she was ecstatic), go to a MALL (a number 1 priority--specifically Abercrombie and Auntie Anne's Pretzels), go to a baseball game, go to Tiffany's in New York, and mostly, just be in America.

They're obsessed with their idealized American pop culture, more so than any one else I know in the states. They want to meet all the girls from the Hills and have watched the entirety of the OC an embarassing number of times. I can't wait to share my American with my wannabe Americans as they have shared Scotland with me.


  1. Abraham said...

    how interesting it is that in Scotland, one of the West, they dream about our malls. the Jordanians would be unimpressed with our malls compared with the ones here, it's insane. i'm blown away by them. just an observation i thought i'd share inspired by your post. HAPPY THANKSGIVING LOVE.

  2. Unknown said...

    And Coral Springs.

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