I'm in a funny sort of place--because I'm here for less than two months more, which is the same amount of time I've been here for so far, a good amount of time, but still very little. I leave soon. Countable weekends soon. Next weekend is staying in to do work weekend. The following one is London. The one after that is another homework weekend. The one after that is Berlin. And then it's finals. And then it's Paris. And then I'm home and it's Sarah's wedding and wisdom teeth and Brandeis. AH!
I have a lot I want to do and a lot that I've done. Having people visiting was not only fun as it was productive in my Edinburgh/Scotland-seeing necessities. I went up Arthur's Seat a few more times, went to the Castle, went to the parliament more times than necessary, the palace and its gallery, a few museums and up the Walter Scott Monument.
Election Day is Tuesday also, which is so crazy. I think I'll be up all night for no reason other than to witness history and be a part of something that I have finally started to get some understanding of. Started to have conversations and thoughts and knowing that there's never really an ending point but just a lot more turning and cycling.
I'll leave with some pictures.
the schedule
June 1 - July 3: Brandeis
Taking Physics & working in admissions
July 4 - August 29th: Washington DC
Working at the NIH Center of Child Health & Human Development in the Unit of Computer Support
September 9 - December 24th: Edinburgh, UK
Studying abroad at the University of Edinburgh