Rather Soon

I leave in 48 hours from 7 minutes from now. I'm pretty much packed. My suitcase is about 10-lbs overweight. Oh well. This has been a busy week. In a really good way. This summer was really long. Also, in a good way.

The summer began, in my mind, with Jenny and my trip to the Sasquatch Music Festival and Seattle. That was Memorial Day Weekend. It's ending now, I guess. Though classes don't actually start till Sept 22nd. It's nice to feel like my summer really went from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I moved out on Saturday and we dropped Michael off at GW. He is happy, that's nice. From there, it's been a whirlwind. From NY to home then back to DC and then finally setting at home for a bit. Able to sleep and relax and do some shopping. And also clean, which was necessary, however painful the process may be.

It's hard to comprehend the fact that in 3 days I'll be in Edinburgh. I wonder if it will feel very different. I've been all over for the whole summer and the adjustments I've made have been more fun than challenging, and I hope it's the same when I get there. I have some normal nerves and fears. (Like hoping I find people who like me & I like back and hoping I will really gain from my classes and hoping I am able to keep myself busy and not miss people too much) And some normal excitement and optimism. (Like how great it is to get to know a new city and the opportunity for exploring and travel and...so much more to be excited about).

I'm not in such a sleeping mood, even though I probably should be considering the fact that I need to make a time zone adjustment that is quite the opposite of staying up late in the US. But I'm antsy and I have always enjoyed late night time, even though I know I feel more productive when I wake up early and use the whole day.

Not much of an update, just some words. I've been uploading pictures to from my phone to a Facebook album that sort of documents what I've been up to...just cause it seemed like a fun idea. And it will be something fun to do in Scotland, though I'm not sure how functional my phone will be, hoping there will be some sort of Wifi available somewhere. We shall see. Taking care of mindless logistics is not fun, that's why I need some sort of technological creature to do it all for me. Come on, make it happen.


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