Edinburgh: Things to Note

From Edinburgh...

- People walk fast
- There is a golf course in the middle of the city (no joke...all 18 holes). Oh, not to mention the castle...(in the back of picture above, on the right)
- There is little to no grid system, and streets are known to change names every few blocks, thus making for a confusing adventure
- It seems perfectly acceptable to wear ridiculous attire in public (ie puffy skirts and bright blue sparkly make up and sequins)
- The toilets don't flush the same way, they kind of just spill water into the bowl and they don't really make the toilet flush noise.
- On another toilet note, a lot of places use napkins instead of toilet paper, which is so smart because it's much easier to waste when it's in a roll.
- When going out, food is the same price as it is in the US. Except it's in pounds, so it's double.
- They like things deep fried. Like hamburgers. Gross.
- That section of the city called "New Town" is actually as old as the US.

From Edinburgh...

Oh hello there city, let's play some golf...


  1. Abraham said...

    i've been meaning to comment! but i missed internet for a few days and you update quickly! well, comments:
    * so glad it's not so chain-store/restaurant there, here we have a hardee's, kfc, and popeye's in each part of town
    * the photos are beautiful, and the golf course is hilarious
    * i love you dearly and am so excited for you!!

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