A Very Scottish Day!

It's pretty much official that I love my flat and my flatmates. They are wonderful. I live with four lovely ladies. There's Frankie from Yorkshire (in England), Fatinha from IFSA with me (Goes to Smith in the US), Jessie from London, and Jill from Aberdeen (in Scotland). They are all great. Jill plays the bagpipes--she's so wonderfully Scottish. Here is a video.

We climbed Arthur's Seat today. Here are some pictures! I went up with Frankie, Jill, and Monica (from IFSA also, she goes to BU)

Off to the ceilidh!! (Pronounced kay-leeh!)


  1. Dave said...

    My friend Jackie is awesome. I want to play that video in my mod over and over again at full volume. I'm sure Missy will love it.

  2. Jax said...

    This looks beautiful. Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself! <3Jaxel

  3. Abraham said...

    you are so cute :-D loving the photos, it's so pretty there!

  4. Anonymous said...


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