
Hellooo there, I've made it to Edinburgh. In a hotel now hanging out...getting pretty tired, which is good because I only got 3 hours of sleep on the plane. And I should be pretty well adjusted if I go to sleep around 11pm here and wake up around 8am. Today was lovely, the flights were super easy. On both of them I ended up with the whole row to myself and was easily able to stretch out and relax. Got to Edinburgh around 2:30 and caught a shuttle with another person from my program who was on the same flight.

Then I got to wander around for a bit, which was great. Was with a few other girls and we had a good time just walking up and down the streets and getting to see some cool things. I found that it was suddenly Fall and I'm happy for the change. It was a great feeling to walk around a city and not see one recognizable store name. No chains or commercial influences, just a lot of small stores selling a variety of things. A few vintage shops, lots of pubs, bookstores, convenience stores, kitschy kind of stores, and restaurants. I'm excited to have time tomorrow to go into them. The streets are just beautiful, I'll post some pictures at a later date but they wind in so many directions and the buildings line them so pleasantly. I quite like it. After dinner, went to the Three Sisters pub for the Scotland vs. Iceland football match with someone from my program. It was us and a ton of football-loving Scots, and it was great. Really great.

Can't wait to explore more and get myself really acquainted with this place. So much to look forward to...


  1. Missy said...

    Sounds amazing. Sorry I wasn't there when you imed... at 6:45 I actually saw your message but I was between sleep and awake and decided it better to go back to sleep and oddly enough when you messaged this afternoon I had passed out reading for my paper that I'm supposed to be writing right now. I promise we'll get better at this. Hope the footy match was a blast. Love you too much face.

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