It Has Begun

I arrived in DC on Friday & moved into my apartment.  Though slightly farther from the metro than I thought, it's a great place. 

Spent Friday with the family & Evan joined us for fireworks. Which was excellent because I missed him. A lot! In the next twenty-four hours, we proceeded to run into almost every single person in DC that we knew. It was crazy.  He ran into people from Brandeis, people from debate. I ran into people from Brandeis, and from home. 
Saturday we went to Dupont Circle so he could start to show me some of the places he had been exploring when we ran into Lital, Beth, and Tamar.  So we spent time with them, which was lovely.  Came back to my apartment and had dinner with my new roommate, Mary.  We went to a Mediterranean  place for dinner and agreed to try a new type of food together every week or two. I can't wait, I love feeling like I'm actually taking advantage of living in a city.  I feel like I want to spend as little time as possible in my apartment and really allow myself to soak up the experience.  
Sunday was spent mostly with the parents. Had dinner with the woman who helped me obtain the internship I have this summer and it was really great. I enjoyed hearing about her research and watching her interact with my Dad, with whom she had a residency about 25 years ago...

Yesterday was Day One of the internship. It was overwhelming, though very interesting. I met such a variety of people and spent the beginning of the day speaking with the head of the Computer Support Unit, the division in which I'll be working.  He told me about a project he thinks I would like to be involved with and about many other projects too. I kind of get to pick and choose what I get to do; I think that will be a little confusing, but I need to remind myself to be up for the challenge. I feel like I'm expected to know a lot more than I do. But, I don't think that'll be the case if I make it clear what I need help with and what I can do on my own.  And I can't be embarrassed to ask questions, because then what will I learn?

Spent an hour or so biking around today after work, it was great.  Still trying to figure out this city... Then, I had dinner with Marti & her roommate.  

Bed time is required. 

Side note: I've been loving using Yelp, it's helping me get to know & find places. (Thanks, Jenny)


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