And Beyond 9-5...

Finished my second week of work & am excited for what I hope will be a fun-filled weekend!

I've been having a really good time exploring the city and riding my bike and finding cool things. Last week I went to two concerts (one at the Rock & Roll Hotel, the other at a park where shows are free--Fort Reno), hung out in some bookstores, ate some good food, and spent a good chunk of time with Marti & Evan. (Hooray!) Jenny came over the weekend, so I spent time with her on Saturday.

This week has been more of the adventuring fun. I got a flat tire on my bike on Sunday, so I tried, in vain, to fix it on Monday. It didn't work out so positively, so on Tuesday I brought it to the bike store after work and they fixed it for me. Tuesday was the second of Marti & my endeavors vegetarian cuisine. We had vegetarian soul food, which was definitely something I've never had before. Wednesday was the second of Mary (roommate) & my endeavors in new ethnic food. We had Peruvian, which we both agreed was quite excellent and afterwards I hung out in Dupont with Evan. Last night, I went to another show at Fort Reno and then biked down into Georgetown and sat outside with some fro-yo and read my book.

I've been doing a lot of reading of The Golden Compass series, as per Danit's suggestion, but I'm ready to move on to other books! I'm halfway through the third (and last), so that will be great. Next is A Brief History of Time, I'm really excited for it. Missy is here this weekend, so I'm sure I'll be seeing her at some point. Life is good!


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