Rosh in the Burgh

A week or so ago a few fellow Jews on IFSA and I decided that we needed to have a proper Rosh Hashanah meal and share it with our flatmates. So, we did just that. We took a bus out to the BIG grocery store on the outskirts of the city to find that tiny little 5-ft section with Jewish food options and got ready to celebrate! I made matzoh ball soup, kugel, jewish apple cake, and challah. Danielle made brisket, carrot simmis, and rugelach. So on Monday evening, 13 people sat around a table, learned about Rosh Hashanah, and ate lots of delicious food!

Shana Tova! Have a wonderful & sweet new year.


  1. assessing the wRecKaGe said...

    cute, that's so fun! Shana Tovahhh, miss your face!

  2. Kimberly Lewis said...

    hi jackie! that is such a cute idea, i hope you had a lovely rosh hashanah... i've been having such fun reading about your edinburgh adventures. :)


  3. Evan said...

    Can "purrr" mean I love hearing happy stories about your life. Yeah -- ok great-thanks!


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