Step Two

In Cherry Hill, impatiently waiting to set out for DC. Google says it will take 2 hours and 48 minutes to get there, the next step is just getting everyone in the car...which with my family, is never an easy feat.  

Physics finished yesterday! It was a glorious feeling.  Finished my test at 9:45am, packed till around 11, filled up my gas tank, and finished off my "Brandeis: Summer Edition" experience with a meal at the Faculty Club with an excellent group of people.  I'm really happy that I got to know so many awesome people while I was there for the summer.  When I get back it will be their last semester, which is sad, but it sort of opened a new door in my mind about who I can spend time with.  That is great. 

And then I said Bye Brandeis, see you in January! I know when I get back, it will feel like I never left.  But perhaps my blog will serve as a reminder of everywhere I will have been.

The trip home was long and painful.  I was trying to prove to myself that I could get home without using my GPS, and learned to never do that again. I got off the wrong way on a highway and ended up having to take a much slower bridge home, making the trip out to be about 6 and a half hours.  I spent much of it on the phone, which helped it go by quicker.  

I'm excited about DC & trying to make it the best it can be.  I got recommendations of where to go for some great shows, I know some quite fabulous people there, and I have an internship that gives me a great opportunity to expand my knowledge and vision about what I want to do. 

This should be great.


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