Living the Life

As the title presents, I am really beginning to feel as though I am living here; it's great. Right now, I'm sitting in the library next to Monica and we're doing work (mostly). I have a groove. I wake up in the morning and I know where I am and I have things to look forward to. And, I'm feeling good too--I've been going to the gym a lot and cooking lots of delicious food and going to class and enjoying the people I spend my time with. And I'm enjoying just spending time with them. Which also means I'm not doing so much touristy stuff, but it's okay because I have a lot of visitors coming soon with whom I can catch up on that. The next few weekends are as follows: Inverness, Jacob coming from Copenhagen, Mom coming, Missy & Sarah coming, then lastly, I am possibly going to York (not sure though, doesn't seem that exciting). I'm looking into planning a trip to London and maybe somewhere else--exploring cheap flights for various weekends to random places! Kind of an exciting idea...Monica and I are thinking of going somewhere together.

My classes are going well, I'm pretty intimidated by one of my CS classes (Artificial Intelligence Practical) and the assignment I've been presented with--it's going to take a lot of time to even begin to understand. The other CS class, Databases, I really like. I just really like databases, so having a class in which I learn about why and how they are used is great.

No big plans for this week yet, need to make headway in my two CS assignments, one of which is due the following week. We're going to have a break fast at my flat and eat bagels and lox and the like on Thursday. I should maybe start taking more pictures... Bye for now!


  1. Abraham said...

    the noble duke of york, he had 500 men. he marched them up to the top of the hill and marched them down again.

    I LOVE GOING TO TOWNS FOR VERY SLIGHT REASONS! always the best adventures. try to get invited into people's homes, it's so exciting. tea!! sounds great, so glad to hear you're happy and comfortable. missing you over here. are you going to go to fingal's cave? it's one of the reasons i have to go to scotland.

  2. assessing the wRecKaGe said...

    i love that you love databases. it makes me feel less ridiculous for loving trees.

    missing you!

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