Thanksgiving in Edinburgh

On Thursday morning, I woke up and was promptly startled by Jill screaming "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!" to me as if it was some sort of all day festival. I laughed and we decided to run into Fatti's room and bring her the same Thanksgiving wishes. We, at that point, had been planning on going to the IFSA Thanksgiving meal, which would probably be nice but didn't make us think of Thanksgiving like a turkey and stuffing. We were distraught. So, Fatti and I made the decision, at around 11:30am on Thursday, that we wanted a real American Thanksgiving. Off to Tesco we go!

Well first, we needed a list of it was. Luckily, on their front page they had a variety of Thanksgiving recipies listed and suggested many ways to cook the turkey and some other dishes. We opted for what we were used to and both cooked some things that we usually have at Thanksgiving at home. I made sweet potato casserole and green bean casserole and Fatti made roasted potatos and vegetables. We had initially planned on just buying some little chickens but when we arrived at Tesco we realized that they did in fact have big turkeys (frozen, mind you) so we decided to go for it. We thawed this 4kilo turkey in 2 hours (microwave + hot water) We cooked a turkey spiced with some delicious things and stuffed it with instant stuffing. WE cooked a turkey, it was awesome. And intimidating, but definitely worth the struggle of removing the neck...!

Our flatmates + Monica & Yvonne shared the meal with us and we were all so happy and full by the end that it did feel like a real Thanksgiving. And, we decided that we were all most thankful for meeting one another. (Awww)

Pictures will come soon!

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